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changes the game

LegalTech isn't the end of justice—it's where justice starts reaching more people. 


It's about making justice inclusive, which means everyone gets to take part. And that's a hopeful direction.

A lawyer can only help so many people due to limited time and high demand, making their services expensive. But LegalTech changes the game. It helps lawyers support more people and even lets people handle some legal stuff on their own. More people accessing legal help means there's a bigger need for it, too. It's a win-win because more people get the legal help they need. The market becomes bigger, and better. 


My own experience


I have been working in LegalTech since 2012, building and designing a legal case managers,  that can facilitate justice at scale. 

I have a LegalTech startup called Lawyerly. This application helps lawyers deliver services faster, while clients have direct access their cases and are able to collaborate in their justice journeys. 

I have been listed as one of the top women in LegalTech, and I have won awards for innovations and use of technology. 

I am deeply passionate about LegalTech, and how, when used correctly, could have a tremendous impact on the legal system. 


How LegalTech helps Access to Justice

Democratising Legal Information

LegalTech platforms make legal information readily accessible to the public, helping to demystify the law and empower individuals with the knowledge they need to address their legal issues. From online resources to mobile apps, these technologies provide straightforward guides and templates for legal documents, enabling people to understand and manage their legal matters with greater autonomy.

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

ODR platforms provide an accessible means for resolving disputes outside of traditional courtrooms. Especially suited for small claims and personal disputes, ODR offers a quicker and less costly alternative, making justice accessible for more people.

Supporting Remote Legal Services

LegalTech enables lawyers to provide consultations and services remotely, eliminating geographical barriers and making legal assistance available to those in remote or underserved locations.

Automating Legal Services

Tools such as chatbots and AI-driven assistants streamline the creation of legal documents and offer guidance on legal procedures, reducing the need for traditional consultations for straightforward legal services. This automation not only makes legal assistance more accessible but also more affordable.

Boosting Legal Education and Awareness

LegalTech contributes to legal education by offering online learning resources, webinars, and interactive tools. This raises public awareness about legal rights and the judicial system, equipping individuals with the knowledge to navigate their legal challenges confidently.

Data Analysis for Legal Insights

LegalTech can analyse data from court cases and legal processes, uncovering patterns and identifying areas where reforms are necessary. This data-driven approach to legal analysis can guide policy changes and direct advocacy efforts, leading to systemic improvements in the justice system.

Enhancing Legal Aid

LegalTech applications assist legal aid organisations in managing cases more efficiently, enabling them to help a greater number of clients. By optimising case management and resource allocation, these technologies ensure that legal aid reaches those who need it most, more quickly and effectively.

Facilitating Access to Legal Professionals

Through online marketplaces and platforms, LegalTech connects individuals with legal professionals easily, often with transparent, fixed-fee pricing. This accessibility encourages more people to seek legal advice, knowing the costs upfront.

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